MILLINGTON, Tenn. -- The Navy announced, in NAVADMIN 231/17, that job announcement windows and the period of time Sailors have to negotiate orders are changing within the Career Management System Interactive Detailing, or CMS-ID, Sept. 18.
Sailors' negotiation timeframes in CMS-ID are being extended by three months allowing earlier applications for advertised billets. This longer timeframe also means Sailors will have more billets available from which to choose.
"These changes further enhance Navy Personnel Command's commitment to meeting fleet readiness requirements by aligning the most qualified Sailors to our most critical billets," said Rear Adm. John F. Meier, assistant commander for career management, Navy Personnel Command. "Additionally, the longer window provides greater opportunity for Sailor choice in the assignment process, while providing greater lead time for orders release and overseas/sea-duty screenings."
Previously, the orders negotiation window was seven to nine months before a Sailor's projected rotation date, or PRD. With the new policy, Sailors will begin negotiating and applying for advertised billets seven to 12 months before their PRD.
In addition to an increased order negotiation timeframe, advertised billets will now have a two-month requisition window. The longer requisition window adds more available billets for Sailors negotiating orders.
In order to accommodate these changes, the Career Waypoints (C-Way) application timeline has been extended. Sailors may obtain reenlistment authority prior to negotiating in CMS-ID by starting the C-Way application window 16 months prior to their soft expiration of active obligated service (SEAOS) and PRD. This roll out is determined based on their SEAOS.
CMS-ID is a web-based system that allows Sailors to view available jobs and make their own applications or apply through their command career counselor. Sailors can view CMS-ID through a secure website located at
For more information read NAVADMIN 231/17 at
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